Friday, October 23, 2009

Review - Armonico Hewa: OOIOO

Rating: 7.4

As somebody who embraced 2006's Taiga for its sheer weirdness and overwhelming spirit, I've always found OOIOO at their most OOIOO when they seem like they couldn't care less about the listener, the critics or anybody else. The band, like its frontwoman Yoshimi P-we (yes, Flaming Lips fans, that Yoshimi) always seemed to be most at home when they filled our eardrums with earsplitting shrieks, eccentric mass vocals and minimalistic grooves that infest your subconscious for years to come (I'm absolutely convinced that "UJA" is on infinite repeat in limbo, how thoroughly that blasted track had and has seized me). My overall impression of Taiga is one of furious noise, because even at its most listenable and exhilarating, even when it sounded like an alien pop album pitch-tweaked and remixed by angry computers, you had to keep your ears on alert for that next SZCWIIIIIII! sound effect to go reverberating through your head. Taiga was a party, but it wasn't a party record.

Well, now it's time for me to recant my old ways; Armonico Hewa may be the record we've been waiting for from this group - a more tightly structured take on the band's previous material, less abrasive, still unpredictable and adventurous, with more than a few beautiful bits. It rarely loses its way, still showcasing the band's ability to fuse alien pop with infectious grooves and furious drumming. The mix is subtler than Taiga's barrage, which always seemed to hurt your ears even in its subdued moments. You'll still see the band's old tricks - hiccup vocals, long, winding guitar drones and sudden twists in individual tracks - though Hewa almost seems to be a concession to fans with its shorter, less tiring tracks, memorable melodies and variety. There are tracks on this album that are downright beautiful, or even hummable - something that may surprise listeners looking for something to bring back the mania after Boredoms started mellowing out and musically documenting alien Bar Mitzvahs or whatever they were doing.

And the band gets their one burst of musical tinnitus out of the way earlier - it's the first eighteen seconds of the album. Future white noise is pretty subdued. Overall it's safe to say that this is a far mellower mix, something that you could listen to on headphones or even loud-ish speakers without wondering too much if you're causing any permanent harm. In a nutshell: OOIOO is starting to show the joys of musical creation while creating something that more than a mother and a few trendy noiserock fans could love. Genre-wise it's still noise, something you'll have to consider with this praise. This brand of noise has always been about finding joy and positive energy in grinding, abrasive sounds and slow progression, something this record continues to do (albeit with the band changing their focus somewhat).

In fact, this record may be the best thing we've heard from this ballpark of musicians since Boredoms released Super æ in 1998 (I'd also say Seadrum, but apparently I'd be in the minority there). This record clearly incorporates the improvisation that made OOIOO what it is, with some added musical flourishes and listenability that might make us smile instead of merely grinning and bearing it.

---Dustin Steinacker

[mp3] OOIOO - "OROKAI"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Review - Blue Record: Baroness

Rating: 8.2

Due to their geographical and occasional aural similarity to Mastodon, fellow Georgian rockers Baroness may never shake the comparisons to their brother band. After all, both groups are easily classifiable as "progressive sludge," both started on the same label and both peddle similar brands of hyperliterary, lyrically inoffensive riffage for metalheads and run-of-the-mill indie waifs alike. Hell, ads for Baroness' Red Album even shipped with Mastodon records!

In every Baroness review for at least the next few years, Mastodon will be the elephant in the room, maybe even the yardstick, the standard of measurement. This is unfortunate, as Baroness is a different beast entirely from Mastodon, and while descriptors like "a more archaic, less playful and Scandinavian Opeth" might be as fun to imagine as they are to write, the Blue Record is unique and speaks for itself both as an evolution of Baroness' previous work and as one of the more enjoyable releases this year in the genre.

This band's sonic texture is more notable than their lyrics, which are mainly archaic and incomprehensible. On the Blue Record the rhythm guitar riffs and the lead guitar winds unpredictable melodies through the long instrumental sections, while the band's vocalists add a rawer, intermittent color to the verses. The record is nicely produced, the drums in particular receiving an important place in the mix - though they're not nearly as technical as that of some of their contemporaries (including a particular group I promised not to name again in this review before I realized that I'd be mentioning the drums).

Baroness brings less obligation to the table than some of their peers, which definitely makes this record a grower. As someone who found Red Album's appeal fading after each listen, I was pleased to find the melancholic bits in Blue more involving, the breakdowns more exhilarating and the heavier parts far more thrilling than I thought after an admittedly-blah first spin. The songs don't always seem to progress naturally, and the album's narrative inconsistency doesn't really seem to be building up to anything, though it's rarely a slog and you'd be hard-pressed to find a better metal release in recent memory (meaning, naturally, in the internet age, in the last three months).

Now if Baroness' next record is only about something, they may have a classic on their hands.

--- Dustin Steinacker

[mp3] Baroness - "The Gnashing"

Where Astronauts Go to Hide

Another great interview, this time with Joshua Pederson of Minneapolis/Chicago based band Where Astronauts Go to Hide.

-Where Astronauts Go to Hide, very creative name. Made me wonder...where do they actually go to hide? Where did you come up with your band name and is there some meaning behind it?

The name has very little meaning, actually. I thought of it while dining at a small pizza place in Minneapolis that’s outer-space themed. Their delivery drivers dress in spandex suits, and wear a helmet and a cape, while transporting your pizza in a small, electric pod-car. The phrase “Where Astronauts Go To Hide,” just popped in my head. The name serves no role, and does not influence my songwriting whatsoever. We actually aim to ignore it – we’ll never intentionally have space-themed merchandise or song titles, etc.
- Who are some of your musical influences?

My greatest musical influences are my close friends in the music industry, regardless of the style. We share ideas and provide constructive criticism. So, my greatest musical influences and friends are Brett Saxon (a singer/songwriter from Brooklyn), Down with the Ship (a great folk-rock group from Omaha), and Flashbulb Fires (phenomenal, talented dudes from Denver). Then there are the obvious influences that you may or may not hear in our music: Wilco, Springsteen, and Dylan the leaders amongst them.
- Do you have a certain theme or feel for your current album?

Well, our most recent effort, “Amongst Friends,” is supposed to convey a sense of comfort in chaos, I guess. The songs on the album were written during an interesting time in my life where I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be. I’d discontinued my college experience and really decided to orient my energy toward music. Despite the chaos and change surrounding me, I did everything I could to maintain a positive outlook on life. In my struggles I realized that a house is a place to keep your stuff and “home” is where you are happy. Where you are comfortable. For me, “home” is amongst my beautiful friends.
- Describe your sound/genre.

Simple: Fun-loving folk-rock.
- Who are the members of your band and their roles?

Well, I’m Joshua Pederson, and I write the songs. Of course, the whole band plays a role in the creative process once I come to the table with the skeleton. I sing lead vocals, and play acoustic guitar and mandolin. Rachel Kahn plays violin mandolin, trumpet and piano. My brother, Andrew Pederson, plays electric guitar. Another pair of brothers are in the band, Matt Krumm on bass guitar and Mike Krumm on percussion. We’ve recently added Ronnie Parpart, and he will essentially play the role of the “auxiliary guy.” He’ll play a bunch of stuff. Everyone sings backup vocals.
- What would you like to accomplish or achieve with your music?

We are not a band that wants to headline arena tours and sell t-shirts for $35. Our mission is to connect with as many people as possible nationwide and assist in creating a community of talented people and music-lovers. Most of all, we are lovers of travel who love nothing more than performing for new faces each night and the healing therapy of the road in between.

- What is your creative process like?

When it comes to me, it’s sporadic. My songs assemble themselves randomly – I don’t have a staggered method. When it comes to the band, I present the song to them (usually via a demo recording) and they seem to craft their parts loosely. We’ll meet and put everything together, exchange ideas and make decisions together here and there. The band always seems to have a great idea of what vibe I’m trying to convey with a song, and for that, among many other reasons, I love them. I trust them and hardly question what they contribute.
- What instruments do you use (technical specs for the nerds)?

Well, here’s what I know for sure. I play an Alvarez acoustic guitar. Rachel and I share an Epiphone Mandobird mandolin. Rachel plays a Samuel Shen violin. Andy and Matt use assorted Fender and Vox guitars and amps. Mike plays a Tama Rockstar kit. Ronnie plays a guitar rig he essentially personally assembled, so I wouldn’t dare try to explain it.
- If you could jam with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

It’s hard to answer this question. I’m not a “jammer.” But I feel like if I were to have the opportunity to present my songs to anyone in an intimate setting, I would have to select the people whose advice I would be the most likely to respect: Jeff Tweedy from Wilco, Andrew Bird, or anyone in the Hold Steady. I could easily say Hendrix or someone like that, but I feel like I would rather discuss music with people that are currently creating something new and interesting – and surviving in the brutal environment that is today’s music industry.
- What's on your MP3 player currently?

I recently discovered an absolutely wonderful band from Montreal called Land of Talk. I can’t get enough. I’m also listening to a lot of An Horse, Maria Taylor and Kevin Devine.
- Any upcoming concert events or releases?

We’ve got some local shows in Chicago and Minneapolis coming up before the end of the year (yeah, we’re local in two cities…). We are also premiering a music video on November 19th in Minneapolis for our song “The House that Kevin Garnett Rebuilt.” We’ll be hitting the open road again come early 2010.
- Any final thoughts, shoutouts, tips or words of advice?

Of course, I would like to thank Mstoc for featuring us on your blog site! Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this and look up our music. I have one shout-out: our great friend Laura in Chicago who has designed a website for us, and taken loads of live pictures and video. I feel like I should credit her more often, I’m just lazy about that. Advice? I don't feel like I'm in any place to give anyone advice, but here's what I would say, if I did assume such a position: Don’t get discouraged. Some people in some cities have opinions of their own, some people only like what Pitchfork tells them to like, some cities will only like Minus the Bear cover bands. Someone, somewhere, will love what you’re doing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Temple Cloud Country Club

Mstoc's exclusive interview with Dean Frances-Hawksley and Andy Suttie of The Temple Cloud Country Club.

The Temple Cloud Country Club, very unique name. Where did you come up with the name and is there some meaning behind it?
Dean - We originally intended the band to be a kind of internet music collective, a ‘club’ of sorts. This is because there are only two of us and we live in different countries. We thought it would be nice to get musicians from around the world to contribute by sending files and then we could assemble the finished piece. But we’re both control freaks, so we ended up doing everything ourselves.

Andy - The name doesn't really mean anything. Temple Cloud is a small village just south of Bristol, England. I used to drive through it quite a bit. It just struck me as being a very cool, and somewhat bizarre name for a little village.
- Who are some of your musical influences?
Dean - I like the Crazy Frog. Suttie listens to anything mechanical – vacuum cleaners, engines, power tools, that kind of thing. Also, if you spill a box of matches, he can tell how many there are just by looking.
- Do you have a certain theme or feel for your current album?
Andy - I'll let Dean tell you as much or as little as he likes about the theme, but yes, it's pretty heavily themed. It's a full-on concept album, if you want to think of it like that.

Dean - Yes. The album is largely about those defining moments that mark the end of childhood, the moments at which we are ‘invented’ (hence the album’s title). A Hole in Water, for example, recalls my first understanding of suicide, an actor in a TV show I loved as a small boy. Lillian is about the death of my grandma. Indestructible is about witnessing a motorbike accident. These are the moments when we are shocked out of our childish reverie. There’s a song called The Death of a Family Pet, which speaks for itself really.
- Describe your sound/genre.
Dean - I can’t. Sorry.

Andy - Ask someone else. I really don't know. My wife describes it as Un-Easy-Listening, which I thought was quite clever. If you look at the blog on MySpace (We Sound Like what?) you can find a truly odd range of material that we have been compared with. Sometimes people call us prog, and sometimes people call us retro. Actually, can we be both progressive and retropsective at the same time?
-Who are the members of the band and their roles?
Dean - There are two of us, myself (Dean Frances-Hawksley) and Andy Suttie. I write the songs and provide vocals and minimal acoustic guitar. Suttie takes my folksy arrangements and changes them into what you hear on the album – adding drums and bass and piano and whatever else, and producing the whole thing. It’s a very efficient unit.

Andy - There's only Dean and me. I play guitar, bass and keyboards.
- What would you like to accomplish or achieve with your music?
Dean ­- I’d like for our music to be an influence for good health, like eating broccoli or carrot sticks. Musical broccolli.
- What is your creative process like?
Dean - The songs are written quickly and there are many of them. I send them to Suttie. The ones he likes he arranges and sends back to me. That’s the core of it done. After that it’s all details, getting things to sound as good as possible, re-doing vocals and the like. And all without ever being in the same room together.

Andy - Usually Dean sends me a rough demo of a song with acoustic guitar and vocal, and I send it back with a rough attempt at an arrangement. usually we bounce things backwards and forwards by email a few times, adding and changing things before we settle on something. I have a more hands-on role in productions, but Dean has a lot of input.
- What instruments do you use (technical specs for the nerds)?
Dean - We don’t rule out using any instrument, and we don’t rule out ruling out any instrument. We use a mix of real and sampled instruments, whatever we can play, steal or borrow basically.

Andy - I write the orchetsral parts and programme them in Cubase.
- If you could jam with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
Dean ­- I don’t know how Suttie would feel on this one – he’s a far better guitar player than me, so maybe he would enjoy it – but I hate jamming, I even dislike the word. Jamming always seems so wasteful, an activity for stoners. I have bad connotations of drunk people sitting around late at night, reducing every song to three chords, repeating the same verse time and again because they can’t remember the words. Spare me. But if Bob Dylan invited me to his house I would do whatever he asked. I would play Rockin All Over The World for three hours solid if he asked me to. I would even do the moves.

Andy - I was never a fan of jammimg with anyone. I like to play music which is worked out and structured when I play with other musicians. I can't think of anyone I'd rather work with than Dean at the moment.
 - What's on your MP3 player currently?
Dean - I don’t use one. I’m listening to a clarinet quintet by Mozart at this moment. Then I intend playing some Crazy Frog.

Andy - I don't have an mp3 player.
- Any upcoming concert events or releases?
Dean - Yes – the album. The album is out on the 28th of this month. We’re hoping to play live gigs from spring next year.

- Any final thoughts, shoutouts, tips or words of advice?
Dean - Yes, don’t deliberately mis-spell words on your FaceBook updates to make yourself seem tough and ill-educated. FaceBook is inane enough without making matters worse. Unless you are tough and ill-educated, in which case, please don’t hurt me.
You can find more about the band, their album and listen to their music at

Or at

Review - Qu: Sherwood

Rating: 7.3

“I am the favorite in a fight that I can’t win.”

On an album loaded with catchy tracks, Sherwood’s third release Qu (out October 13th on MySpace Records), has me tapping my toes and singing under my breath while I work on reports at my desk. Vocal harmonies and distortion saturated guitar solos hook you while the jazzy drums and lyrical synth hold you tight.

The lyrics are energetic and you’ll be singing along before you realize it. Peppy, upbeat tracks create a happy pop rock feel while the languid slow numbers opine about love and life. Qu, in its entirety, is an addictive and memorable collection of songs sure to have you bobbing your head and tapping your fingers on the steering wheel as you remember summer nights spent in the arms of your High School sweetheart.

Track by track review for Sherwood Qu:

Shelter – Perfectly displays Sherwood’s harmonic gift. At not even a minute long this is an nice little display of the vocal talent of the group.

Maybe This Time – I really enjoyed the percussive mimic of a rapidly beating clock as the intro to this song. The lyrics are empowering. This is a fun, poppy way to open the full length tracks for the album.

Hit the Bottom – Of all the songs on Qu, this is the song I see playing on Top 40 radio. The track is danceable, singable and is already stuck in my head. You’ll hear this song being hummed and sung by high school students the world around. It’s pretty hard not to get caught up in the chorus and in the breakdown in the middle of the song.

Make it Through – Charming rhythms and clear vocals in “Make it Through” will easily hook you. The song is relatively slowly paced but is still a fun, catchy tune.

You Are – Yet another song I could easily see, or hear as it were, playing on the loudspeakers at a High School dance or play during one of the awkward silent moments on The Hills. It’s still catchy as hell and fun to sing along with.

Ground Beneath My Feet – The very instant this track started I could not help but draw comparisons to The Fray. The use of the keys, even the vocals and lyric style all smack heavily of songs like “How to Save a Life.” After a slow intro, the song drops into a more driven style. It’s a good song and if you’re a fan of bands like The Fray, this is the track for you.

Around You – Another song that quickly had me comparing Sherwood to bands like The Fray. This number is genuine and romantic. Use this on your digital mixtape for your significant other.
What Are You Waiting For? – I suppose, in answer to the question posed by this song, I’m waiting for this song to really pick up. This is the first, but not last, example of a song where I expected the song to pick up/speed up/get better and it just never quite ended up where I was hoping it would.

Not Gonna Love – Easily my favourite track on this album. This is a catchy, inviting and thoroughly fun song. I was singing along by my second listen. From first taste I was absolutely enamored with “Not Gonna Love.” It had a classic rock feel with a twist. The drums had me feeling as though I had just finished watching The Breakfast Club or Say Anything. I wish this track had been placed earlier in the album, however.

Worn – This number is gentle and heartwarming. This song features a lovely female voice in a duet. “Worn” is the type of song you’ll love when you’re thinking about your significant other.

Free – Again featuring a driving emphasis on the keys, “Free” is a slow anthem. The message seems befitting of a more enthusiastic soundtrack but the slow steady pace of the song is still entertaining. This is one of those tracks when you expect that at any time the song will pick up. Unfortunately, it never does.

No Better – Ending the album is a slow piece detailing a story of divorce as told from the eyes of the child or children. The depressing subject matter is hard to fit into the rest of the album. The song is touching, though, and is one of those numbers you’ll undoubtedly belt at the top of your lungs when you’re feeling down.

---Casper Wood

My Brothers Banned

Mstoc's first interview. Here we chat with Lyle Puente of My Brothers Banned.

-My Brothers Banned, very quirky and a great play on words. Where did you come up with your band name and is there some meaning behind it?

When the banned started, my brother played drums and a brother sister duo were part of the group.
We laughed about naming ourselves after the sibling factor.
We thought band, but it was taken. The word Banned came up and I though whoooaaaa, this is so much better. Playing gigs is pretty funny watching the door people ask who people are here to see. It's quickly and Abbot and Costello routine.
My brother and the brother sister team have since moved on. Perhaps making the name prophetic? Haha

- Who are some of your musical influences?

I adore harmony and melody. The sound of the Byrds, particularly with Gram Parsons.
Gram Parsons is a huge influence as well. I love Big Star and the effect they had one bands like REM, Teenage Fanclub and the Bangles. The Beatlesque melodies of Oasis make me very happy. The lush harmonies of the "Mamas and the Papas"! The British band Gomez is one of my favorites too. Listening to them taught me so much.

- Do you have a certain theme or feel for your current album?

"Everyone's Banned" I just released and the feel was meant to convey a lush embrace of sonic texture and mood.
I kept the overall mood less dynamic, less concerned with huge energy, to try and create a constant subtle environment.
The next album, "Banned Wagon" will be more about using energy and be a little louder.

- Describe your sound/genre.

I suspect with the changing categories any attempt on my part would be inaccurate.
I like to pretend that my production techniques provide me with a.... what if Phil Spector and Brian Eno had a baby. I Love the wall of sound type of approach, but also love creating new sounds as sculptures that move, have color, and are new.

- What would you like to accomplish or achieve with your music?

I'd just like to be able to keep doing this.
I love it, am very disciplined and hope to find a place in the world.

- What is your creative process like?

Writing is an easy laid back approach.
I have a dedicated writing space where I sit with an acoustic 12 string guitar.
I will just start playing and then write it down before I forget.
Most songs come out fast. Rachel was complete in a few minutes, Turn around more labored over with time. Sometimes they need to grow.
The timing can be odd in many songs. Rachael being a good example.
There are two extra beats in each line of the verse.
I considered this a separation of the way each line lyric is staccato then elongated and held. This can present a challenge when recording if the structure isn't understood.

Recording is more exploratory, with a full work day year round kind of thing.
I boot up about 8 am and boot down about 11 p.m.. There is less a time frame on completion that a focus on working.
First come rough tracks to establish a baseline, then the building commences.
Sometimes playing with an old moog and crafting a noise that will meld with a guitar intro melody means a good day here.
Sometimes it works backwards and my brother will come in with drums long after the rest is complete. For me thats a nice way to work, because it does set the pace so much as ices the cake. This allows my brother more space to create something other than a set of building blocks.

- What instruments do you use (technical specs for the nerds)?

I use all of them. I have tried to have representation of everything that makes noise divided in families. I currently lack a french horn. Its one of my very favorites and is high on the desired acquisitions list. I try to learn instruments enough to make me happy, but far from very well.
All songs are based with my 12 string guitar, then I add what ever I think will add to the song.
I often use mandolin, banjo, piano, cello, accordion, melodica, lap steel, flute, saxophone and am very fond of old synths. I keep a pail of broken glass too. That has become one of my favorite percussion sounds.
My favorite guitar is a Strat with a Humbucker in the bridge. The tremolo bar brings me great joy. It is my drug of choice.

- If you could jam with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

My great grandfather, who played the mandolin.

- What's on your MP3 player currently?

A mix with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Oasis, old 97's, the Shins, Modest Mouse and Regina Spektor.

- Any upcoming concert events or releases?

Both. We are playing the NYC marathon this November and then retreat back into the studio. I planned 3 album and 3 EP releases in 12 months.
The first being out later this week. "Everyone's Banned". Its up on now, itunes later in the week.
The EP "For you in December, and the album "Banned Wagon" in January.

-Who are the members of your band or contributing artists and their roles?

The roles vary greatly. The "Everyone's Banned" release features my brother Eric Puente on drums, Quinn Murphy on bass and Hilary Levit singing harmony with me.

- Any final thoughts, shoutouts, tips or words of advice?

I like our world very much.

You can find out more about My Brothers Banned, the albums or listen and purchase music at
Or at